Candy - Warheads Extreme Sours, 60 Piece Assortment

Do you want to buy Candy - Warheads Extreme Sours, 60 Piece Assortment? You come to the best place. You can find special price cut for Candy - Warheads Extreme Sours, 60 Piece Assortment. You can choose to buy a product and Candy - Warheads Extreme Sours, 60 Piece Assortment at the best price online with secure transaction here...

Price: $9.99
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Candy Warheads Extreme Sours are bright colors with a slight powdered look to the surface, I became guessing that these folks were coated with some type of super sourness. They just don't smell like much, merely a type of vague fruit punch when they're all together, but after reading the warnings, my mouth was watering.

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60 Piece Assortment
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